SART Thread
After another RC yesterday(3 complete root canals in the last month) I went for an ez ride. Another ride from DayCreek to the Devore are. Wind was much better today, air was chilly but not too cold. Not many riders out today, nobody around so I had to shoot video of myself haha!
Actually I was trying out some new shorts from A favorite in the clyde forum since they deal in large sizes. Men's shorts up to 4X and jerseys up to 5X. Heck, I have problems finding a 2X in most stores and shops. I enjoyed my last two pair over the last couple years but they wore so I need to order more. Darn good bargain IMO. I ordered 2 more ($31 each) and in 2 days, they were on my doorstep. I don't know how they do it. I like the shorts but a favorite in the forums are the bibs.
BUT! There was a minor problem with my shorts so I contacted Dan from L2P right away since their policy is 'Unhappy for whatever reason in 30 days return them". Well Dan made darn good on the deal. Replacements were in the mail ASAP and another 2 days, I had the shorts. With a note handwritten stating "if you are unhappy for whatever reason, please let me know". I was perfectly happy and very impressed with their customer service.
Unlike many of the riders I now, I hate buying things online. I'd rather pay a little more just to see the merchandise before I buy and get it a little sooner. I must admit, I was a little worried thinking the replacement transaction would go sour but Dan did great on the deal! I really don't like advertising for others and don't but when someone does me good on a deal, I like to let the others know about it! Heck, they deserve it! Thanks Dan, I won't hesitate doing further business with Oh yeah, the Falconi shorts were great!
Audio disabled on youtube again but I disputed it so it should work sooner or later. Hopefully sooner!
Pic taken from a fwy overpass. I wanted to prove to myself that I could conquer the monster haha!

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