Sunday, March 11, 2018

DARN! No Rain!

30 miles on the Santa Ana River Trail. Very late start, about noon. I was actually hoping for rain today. Took my GoPro hoping to capture something different on video, a little  rain but it didn't happen.  Mike and I were supposed to ride the SGRT on Saturday. I kept telling him the big chance of rain but he said his cell report said it would not rain till 1 pm. Cool, I am all for it! But morning came and he sent a text saying it was raining, uh yeeeah! So he canceled then I got lazy and figured I didn't want to go alone on that trail, especially in the rain. Seems there are quite a few more obstacles there to worry about than SART so I passed on the solo ride. Figuring if I slipped in the water I might drown or something. :-P

But today I didn't know Mike was going to ride. Turns out he didn't want to ride Saturday because he had just cleaned his bike ha ha! So today I figured I'd do SART hoping for rain. But didn't happen. Matter of fact, turned out to be a really nice day!

Ran into Mike near Edna park so we ended up riding together. I wanted 30 miles but the point where I started after the closed section was only about 10 from the coast. So we did the windy part, turned around at the coast, headed back to Moon Park (605 fwy) then headed back to the coast one more time.

But then stupid me forgot to start my Garmin when we left the coast not realizing it till we hit Moon Park again. Dang it! Now no matter what I do, it won't show 30 and I was not willing to do the windy section a third time ha ha! It was super windy today. At times I looked down and was doing 13 MPH! :O

And when I failed to start my Garmin, I missed the fastest section with the tailwind so my average sucked  at 15.2 ha ha!

But anyway, it was a good workout. Happened to see Bad Bob heading the opposite direction. Umm Tony and his buddy Thai but I don't think they recognized us. Maybe we were going to fast into the wind! :-P

                                                    Turned out to be a really nice day!

Mike heading back. My ride was almost over and I was pretty happy with that ha ha!

I felt so violated. Checking my GoPro when some lady behind me was checking me out. I felt violated but in a way kind of happy to know I still have it ha ha! ;-) :-P

Skinny Mike, lost 45 pounds. Riding strong!

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