I did Claremont Hills in the clockwise direction. Once I got to the top I figured I'd wander to the left toward the signals on the hill. After I explored some around the hills looking for some single track I had seen in some videos. Hmm, short sections here and there, climb for two minutes then descend for a minute. Oh well, I'm not much into technical stuff anyway. I did see another single track section at the very top of the trail. There was one trail that went down the middle, very down, more like a cliff. I'd kill myself on that thing so no way ha ha!
Just an exploration ride so I threw in some posing on video. There was on point where I was riding up with the video when a gal approached me asking trail directions. Half her boob was sticking out the bottom. I hate when they do that, it's like really annoying! ~ whistle whistle ~ ;-)

I see there were still some nice clouds hanging around for your photos. Nice.