Sunday, August 11, 2019

CheckSix 8 years later!

Hit the road with Gina today. 35 miles at 15.9 average speed. Actually much better than I expected. Started easy then I worked a bit against the wind heading to the coast keeping a steady pace for Gina. But quickly we ran into CheckSix (Gordon) who I hadn't seen in 8 years.  Yeah, he is on my blog back in 2011 when he and I hit the village on GMR. Haven't seen him since. Told us today that he gave up cycling for 8 years to explore other activities. But he hit the trail today with his buddy Jim (hope I got that right). And of course, pain in the butt was the factor today ha ha! I'm sure he could have done more than they did today of it weren't for not being used to the saddle. I know I was off for some time and the biggest factor was getting my butt down on the seat again ha ha! I forgot the amount of miles they told us but I remember it was a decent amount so watching the saddle pain was a good idea, always is ha ha!

So we stopped and of course I forgot the charge the batteries in my point and shoot camera. Thought I have but I could be mistaken or the little sucker is whack ha ha! So the cell phone cam had to do today.

Then later down the road, I see some dude shout Mr. Beanz as we approach. I don't know That Dude! Yeah, I do, it actually is That Dude from yesterday's GMR post ha ha! It's Ron, we met yesterday on GMR, Mat's friend. I could not remember his name though I did know it was a common simple name. Now I know. The Dude is riding with flip flops and looks like he's going to surf at the beach or something ha ha! He told me yesterday that he dresses casual then heads out on his road bike. I didn't realize he meant THAT CASUAL ha ha! We had a chat for a bit then Bad Bob rolled up. So I introduced them to one another, then Ron rolled on. But darn, I should have got his pic but I was thinking about my dead point and shoot. But Bob said he wanted a pic with Gina so I remembered I had my cell. I don't usually carry it so I even almost missed the shots with Gordon earlier. But anyway, missed the pic of Ron.

So we hit the coast and had a chat with a few friends. Then some dude walks by and waves at Gina. Umm, hmm! Then I recognized him. It was Jesus. We have chatted before a few years ago and he looked familiar but I wasn't sure. He knew me as the dude that makes videos ha ha!

We headed back and he wanted to ride with us. OK. We rolled back at a pretty good pace. Then he took the front and lifted the pace to about 21. I was worried about Gina not being on the bike much lately but she hung tough!  There were a couple of obstacles, a detour, blocked trail where we had to stop so I think that gave her a break for a minute or two. Kind of sucks, might have had a better average without having to dismount but then again, she got to rest for a minute or two.

But anyway, we continued at a good pace and she really did very well. I know she always fades on the one little steep underpass at the North end of the golf course just beyond Edna Park. But she was still hanging with the guys and rolling really well. Another dude had joined us and was part of the group. But we rolled down the steep underpass and expecting Gina to fade on the little steep uphill section, I rolled along her side and patted her on the back and said Good Job! That gave her that little inch of extra power to stay with the guys. I'm sure the guys knew what I was doing but hey, that little bit can make the difference and today she was riding too tough to let her fall back on that little climb. SO hey, yeah I cheated a bit, but only for 3 seconds ha ha!

Turned out a pretty good ride and I can tell Gina's form is coming along just fine!

           CheckSix- Haven't seen the dude in 8 years but he does not look one day older.

Gordon, Gina, Jim, and Jose

Bad Bob

Funny but Sometimes we are out there and though she has them all strapped down, her boob look big to me ha ha! Can't go without a pic!

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