Sunday, August 18, 2019

Good Ride on SART Today

50 miles at 18.0 average with Mike and Jose. Gina decided to sit out today but that was cool as I could not ride GMR yesterday and today I was thinking of a few more miles seeing I only had one day to ride. So She sat out, I'd text Mike and Jose late night. Both were up for it.

I wore my Fat bastard jersey ha ha and rode my old 1998 Cannondale, I love this bike!  CAD and I can just about say I prefer it over the full carbon Madone. But anyway, we started usual place, headed to Gypsum Cyn then back to the beach to get the 50. Beautiful day, saw a few buds out there.

The power in my legs is starting to come back. I want to say 6 weeks ago I would not have been able to respond to a few of the accelerations and a couple of the itty bitty hills. That's right, need power, go ride GMR  ha ha! Whatever you had, GMR will help bring it back.

We decide to do a longer ride. I was a little concerned seeing my longest in some time has been 36 with Gina. But hey, JUST DO IT!!! We hit the trail and went for it. I ended up feeling very comfortable on the bike. Much more than expected, thanks GMR! Heck, a few times one of my partners would pick it up on a little incline or surprise me and open a little gap and it was rather easy to close it down. Much better, must keep doing GMR!!!!

At the coast, having 38 miles we had a 17.4 average. The wind did not feel too bad. I almost thought we had a tailwind to the coast but the others said no way, still breezy. On the return, Tony and Thai headed back with us. I took the first turn and it was not bad. But warming back up quickly, I held it at about 20. Our goal was 17.5 but if it turns out better, we'll take it! We did!

At one point, Tony who was along for the ride, maybe 6 miles got in the front and lifted the pace to about 23 after the short downhill by Moon Park. (405 fwy). Took some effort but I was able to hold on, thanks legs, and GMR! Tony pulled a bit more then turned off as we continued.

My thing is usually to hold the pace steady so that all riders can hang. But at one point, we were doing pretty well when Mike closed down on a lady riding an electric bike. She was rolling pretty good and I felt the acceleration from Mike. I think he wanted to pass her a little sooner than we would have had we just kept our pace. But people get excited and I felt the pace lift. We went from 20 to 23. At this point, my legs felt pretty good but my lungs complained just a bit. I asked him to slow it down for a minute or two and back off the pace. Yeah, I could go balls out, keep up but then maybe I'd blow up. Then I would have to slow to 17, catch my breath, then continue on. Whereas I tell the guys often, if we just keep a decent pace, we all finish strong and nobody falls back. They know I'm right and Jose having been on the bike yesterday, pretty sure he was happy I asked Mike to slow down  ha ha! I know I was happy I asked ha ha!

                          Orangewood to Gypsum, almost back to Yorba Park for a pee pee break!

I was on the back having fun, taking my pic!

On the way back from the beach.

Tony and his buddy Thai rode back with us. Heck, I missed this shot. Had I known he was posing, I would have taken it again.

He's riding a fixie

Dude is hard to catch on camera ha ha!


Just before the downhill toward the 405. We'd go down fast then Tony would hold 23 most the way

After the ride,

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