Friday, July 10, 2020

Ladies And Gents Ride with the Gang

Funny! I post on a cheesy little forum. Not that I like forums but this one is fairly empty and only  a few decent posters who don't usually go there just to insult others like most ass holes on most forums.

But I started a pic/video/ride thread there at the end of April. Just around 3 months and already coming up on 3,000 views. Pretty nice when people look, like, post, and can do it without being morons to one another! ;-)

Last night was a good ride. Group is getting faster and faster. After, they hang out at the Dog Haus for a while, sure I spelled it wrong. But last night, Milton bought me some tator tots. Wow, I guess he feels he owes me for all the fries he's stolen from Gina and my plates over the years ha ha!

25 miles at 15.6 average. So Mike and I planned to chill on the ride as much as possible. Kind of hard because heading out is downhill so everybody hammers out. I'm usually at the end of the line then wait for people to fade then slow down ha ha! Then halfway when the gentle climb starts, that's where you start passing people who have bad strategies ha ha!

So Mike and I are at the back of the pack and the light turns red as the group is halfway through. Let's say, only Mike and I stopped, not willing to die to prove I can keep up with anybody. But there is one chick behind us pulling up. Mike and I are thinking she is the tail end of the group so we soft pedal for a bit so she doesn't get lost. The next red light she pulls up and I ask if this is the first time she does the group ride. She says,"oh no, I'm not part of your group!. :-O Ha ha ha!

So Mike says we should catch up, he starts hammering. I'm just holding on then somehow I end up going around, maybe slowing for a light but I'm in the front and hammer the best I can. Then Mike gets up front and were flying. By the time we get across to Glendora Ave, there's the group. Did a good job catching up then passed a few of the stragglers right before the regroup. We must have been flying because on Badillo, the group was out of sight, I thought we were goners. But that was cool!

The profile: It's downhill about half way then a gentle climb back. Of course the first section out we have about a 19+ average speed. But the climb back slows it down ha ha! This is where you can tell who the strong riders are he he he!

Not sure who took this pic but thanks! Me in my old fart jersey riding my old fart 1997 bike ha ha!

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