Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Tuesday Nite Recovery Ride

10 miles at 12.0 around the industrial center in Ontario. Wow, it is so nice riding around the quiet streets. So refreshing! When the toilet paper thing happened, there were tons of trucks lining up at one market warehouse. Though they were heading the opposite direction and very few in mine, still made some noise on one section of my ride, not having to pass through the traffic. But last few rides, the panic is over it seems as there may be only 5 or 6 trucks that I see and it is super quiet for most of the ride now. Not to mention that the last couple of times I arrived, the street sweeper was just finishing up in the area so hey, nice clean roads for me to ride on ha ha!

One thing I can say is that a nice super easy pace and effort does wonders when your legs start to get stiff.  I think a lot of cyclists lack the discipline to do such rides. I've been on so many "EASY PACE FRIENDLY RIDES" with so many cyclists now that I can see that way too many can't control themselves seeing that these rides always end up in a race. How many friendly rides have I been on that end up with others cranking up the pace? Let's say about 99% of them and that is from the day I started riding back in 1992 ha ha!

I did lose a red blinkie on the SGRT ride so only  used one red tail light. Just ordered another one that should be here by Friday. The more powerful 150 lumen Cygolite Hotshot so we'll see how it works. I have read some reviews that say it's too bright. But hey, if they know I'm out there, I'll take it!

I did mess with my lights a little after the ride. Also I still like wearing and ankle band or two depending on the ride and traffic. I wear them because they light up well and with the motion, I know I am seen. Some people have argued on cycling forums that they are useless. Really?! I guess there are idiots everywhere ha ha! I like them for side view while crossing intersections. I'm sure traffic approaching intersections can see me. The little tab on the back of walking shoes is pretty noticeable with the motion as I drive up behind walkers I don't even know they are there. Big streets like Euclid in Ontario. I have no idea people are walking on sidewalks or the middle of the divider (trail). Total darkness but I can see that little half dollar size reflector moving. So I know these tri color bands are noticeable.

Either way, a really nice ride and great to get out in the cool fresh air!

                                    Light on my helmet. Didn't think I'd like it there but I love it!
                                                       The light goes where my eyes go!

Second light on the bars

That is my ankle band sitting on the fire hydrant. No camera flash, only my headlight on. Now tell me that does not light up. Imagine what it looks like with the motion.

One of my headlights on the fire hydrant. Only 300 lumen Cygilite Metro model. I've had other cyclists tell me how bright the lights are. And I use 2 on night rides. One on bars and one on the helmet.

Just a view of the newly repaved street and reflectors. No flash, just headlights.

Wore my spider jersey to keep the Cucuy away! Boogie man for you gringos ha ha!

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