Sunday, March 22, 2020

Suffering Succotash on the 26

26 miles with Gina at 16.2 MPH speed. Figured we would do a shorter ride again since Gina has not been on the bike for another month again. Rain, engagements, medical visit family members, and not wanting to go out in the cold of night on shorter midweek rides with me set her back a bit, again.

But she actually did pretty well so though I wish she had finished a bit stronger, she did well with a 16.2 vs the 156 or her last ride one month ago. She her speed was better but she really suffered the last couple of miles. But I want to get our mileage back up again. Heck, we were doing 60's some time back and I know we can do it again once we get around the obstacles that have been thrown at us.

So I told her that if she had gone out on the bike with me at night, this would have been and easy ride for her. Short easy ride but she gets upset and says it wouldn't have helped at all. OK, I had to tell her that she is in denial because any midweek shorter ride with a lesser effort really helps and she knows it. She just felt like getting smart with me I guess  ha ha! Usually happens when she is suffering! :-P

But anyway, she did well, actually better but still too much time off. Must ride more!

The forecast said it would rain at 3 PM so we did the short ride, that and lack of saddle time. Either way, we beat the rain but there were some pretty nice looking clouds out there.

I will say if I haven't already, how surprised I am that there are plenty of large groups of cyclist. More today which is shocking to me. Big groups of 20 or more. I really have to say being mixed up with many sports over my life, I think cyclist are the most hypocritical. I see them all the time on the forums complaining about people not caring for the environment, no regard for human life, and the many many many stupid comments that drivers are jealous of them because they ride their bikes and stay healthy. Too many stupid comments by cyclists in my opinion.

Which is stupid because though I ride my bike, I know there are plenty of drivers in cars around me more fit than I. I know not all drivers are out there trying to run us over. My God I can not stand to read cycling advocacy forums. Some of the most twisted cyclist I have ever seen. Heck, I once saw a video in the forums of some ass hat on a recumbent complaining that a passenger was hassling him.  So some passenger shouts something at the cyclist and he gets upset. OK, the passenger is an ass too but this moron gives chase then starts a shouting match at the intersection. Driver not involved takes off. The moron chases again and continues to start shouting matches at each intersection, maybe 4 or 5 different spots. OK idiot, the passenger acted stupid but the fact you chase a vehicle and start confrontation several times tells me that he's worse than the dope that shouted initially. Heck, I know people will shout or make stupid comments. It doesn't just happen on the bike so grow up. He got pretty upset with me on youtube when I pointed out he was just as much to blame. Heck, Judge Judy would have told the guy he could have avoided it all but the fact he chased and kept it going, he is just as guilty.

But getting back to the big groups. So many cyclists saying others have no regard for human life, what the heck?! So like I have said, I did my rides socially distanced. I rode alone and I rode with Gina. I also tried to avoid cyclist who wanted to suck my wheel or tried to get in ahead of me by 5 feet.

I see some people think they are healthy and feeling well. But what about those around you? I don't usually preach about these things, but think of your aging mother, father, children who may have a weaker immune system and will have no choice when you infect them with the virus even though you feel fine. I myself am not afraid of the virus and think I would survive but I really don't think my 81 year old Mom could. But I will also say that in the big groups of cyclists, the guys did look like a bunch of arrogant pricks in my opinion. I guess so as they have no concern for human life as I see it. Too busy trying to pretend they're Lance Armstrong instead of maybe thinking this could be a real threat to those around us. Pretty sad I say!

                                                          Before the ride, all smiles.

Jose R and a couple buds.

On the return

After the ride. Looking kind of beat and even Charlie on her seat bag is looking kind of tired ha ha!

Almost lost my blue nipple! But with the threat of the virus, I didn't think anybody would take it ha ha! It was still there at Edna Park when I stopped to check on the return trip.

Supposed to rain but we beat it. Nice clouds though. 

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