Friday, March 20, 2020

Super Short Quick Funny Video

This was sent to me by an old friend, and when I say old, I mean OLD! :-P

So anyway, that dude Eyemage sent this video, pretty funny! Had to post it as I know plenty of men would feel the same way.

Only a few seconds but gotta love it ha ha ha!

Social distancing ha ha! So it gives me time to play with pics. I made this one for my aunt who asked if I had the pics I had made last May after my Uncle passed away. He was 76. I since deleted the others but on our trip to Tucson, she asked me about them. Nope, don't got 'em anymore so I made a new one. She loved it she says.


  1. That short video was FUNNY! I laughed so load my wife from the other room asked what was so funny. I told her it was just guy humor.

  2. Ha ha ha it was sent to me by a dude I met on the forums and used to ride MTB with called Eyemage on the forums. He sent it to me and I thought it was so funny I had to share with everybody ha ha! Real world guy humor ha ha!
